Watch the video, and discover how fast you can prepare a super healthy Celery Sunrise Smoothie, containing celery, apple, lemon, ginger,
turmeric and cucumber.
1. Take it out of your freezer
2. Put it in your glass
3. Stir
The Melt Corp. develops and produces frozen food and beverage products based on an advanced formula mixture (MFM). This unique, patented (pending) technique facilitates a rapid melting process for frozen beverages upon the addition of water.
The built-in, fast-melting effect is activated when the frozen beverages are mixed with 20% water.
The Melt Corp's IceGrus products are made using only natural ingredients, free of additives. They contain 99% of their original freshness, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. IceGrus can be stored for up to 11 months in a freezer.
Prepare your super healthy smoothie, soup, mixed juice, shot, or mocktail quickly and easily. With IceGrus, there's no need for a kitchen, cutter, or blender. Save time on cleaning and reduce food waste with our convenient product.
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